Month: April 2008
The Art of the (Title) Smoke
One of my favo(u)rite movies on this site full of movie and tv series credit sequences. There is also the Donnie Brasco title sequence. I remember it being mentioned in Hillman Curtis’ book MTIV – Process, Inspiration and Practice for the New Media Designer that I read many years back. This section of the book…
Free our Bills!
Feel free to lend a hand. They need your help. “The Nice Polite Campaign to Gently Encourage Parliament to Publish Bills in a 21st Century Way, Please. Now.”
See if you can find a favicon
Check this favicon collection application running in Google’s App Engine service and see if you can find Broutek’s logo.
Google’s Chart API
Look mum! No images! This image was generated through the Google Charts API. Just copy and paste the following text,10,20,30,30&chs=240×90&chl=Hello|World|How|Are|You into your browser to see it in action. The best part is that it supports sparklines as easily as this.
Antivirus Reloaded – Clamwin for Vista
It’s old news now, new for me, worth mentioning, though. Clamwin, the free Windows antivirus does work under Vista. The installation went smoothly, which was to be expected. The software still needs quite a bit of work in a number of areas relating to the user interface and OS integration (looks like Windows 2000). There…
Firefox 3 Easter Egg
If you are playing around with the beta versions of Firefox 3, try typing about:robots in the address bar. It plays with the theme that has been used in the first-run pages of Firefox since beta2.